Los Juegos de las Highlands

Los Juegos de las Highlands

¿Alguna vez han escuchado hablar sobre los Highland Games? Los Juegos de las Highlands (Tierras Altas), se llevan a cabo durante el verano y están compuestos por varias competencias al rededor del territorio escocés, no solo las Tierras Altas. El más famoso de estos es el Braemar Gathering, ya que la reina Isabel acude cada año. A continuación, les comparto un poco más sobre estos los Juegos de las Highlands. Historía Según la leyenda, los Juegos de las Highlands remontan a la época del rey Malcom III, cuando esté organizo una carrera a pie hasta la cima de Craig Choinnich, con el fin de encontrar al corredor más rápido de la comarca. Sin embargo, los juegos, como los conocemos hoy en día datan del siglo XIX. Estos juegos tienen una larga tradición y son unos de los eventos más esperados tanto por escoceses como por turistas. Los Highland Games, mezclan la exhibición de fuerza y habilidad con danza y música tradicional. Los juegos Además de los deportes tradicionales y actividades culturales, también podrán encontrar puestos de comida, artesanía y juegos (tipo ferias) para toda la familia. No todas las variantes de juegos de los Highland Games están presentes en cada […]

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Qué hacer en el Aberdeenshire, desde Aberdeen

Primero lo primero, ¿qué es el Aberdeenshire? El Aberdeenshire hace referencia al condado de Aberdeen. Un condado, como nos explica la RAE, es una circunscripción administrativa en países anglosajones. En el Reino Unido, esto data de la época de los condes, quienes ejercían control sobre cierto territorio. Ya esto aclarado, ¡vamos al grano! Guía de dos días Les ha pasado que cuando alguien va a visitarlos desde el extranjero u otra ciudad, ¿poco a poco resulta uno dándole a todo el mundo el mismo “tour”? No por falta de creatividad o pereza, simplemente porque uno mismo va armando ese itinerario perfecto para familia y amigos. Así que aquí les dejo mi guía del Aberdeenshire (si se están quedando en la ciudad) en dos días: Día 1 No se preocupen si esta lloviendo, nublado o soleado. En Aberdeen el tiempo puede cambiar en cuestión de segundos, así que da igual. Antes de hacer la visita obligada de la destilería de whisky mas cerca a la ciudad, Glen Garioch, les recomiendo desayunar en el Meldrum Café. Este es un café comunitario, donde los empleados son voluntarios y todos los recursos obtenidos van para el centro comunitario del pequeño pueblo. Les recomiendo ir […]

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Masters in Translation Studies

King's College University of Aberdeen

Másters en Estudios de Traducción [Versión en español abajo] Languages have always been my passion, the beauty of being able to express ourselves in may ways or just with a few words and the richness of a language such as Spanish where there are numerous ways to say “popcorn”, “cool” or express emotions depending what country we find ourselves in; intrigued me and fed my desire to learn more, to read more, to travel more. But it was not until I immersed my self in the French culture and learnt the language, that I realised that to understand both our own language and the culture in which we find ourselves in, we must be multilingual, we must learn to dance to the rhythm of those around us.  This revelation pushed me to find a new path, Translation Studies. I began my MSc. in Translation Studies at the University of Aberdeen last September (2017), filled with excitement to embark on this new project I did not know what to expect. The program is a year long, with several compulsory courses, some optionals and a dissertation to be done over the summer and turned in mid August. The program met my expectations, […]

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Moving to Aberdeen, Scotland

[ Me mudo a Escocia] Here we are again, in another city, another country, not knowing anyone, and with a lot of challenges ahead. A couple of months ago, my boyfriend’s company announced to us that this summer we were moving to Aberdeen, Scotland. I could lie to you, and tell you that by now I’m getting used to moving countries, but the truth is, you never get used to this sort of changes. Aquí estamos de nuevo, en otra ciudad, otro país, sin conocer a nadie, y con muchos retos por venir. Hace varios meses, la empresa para la que trabaja mi novio nos anunció que este verano nos estaríamos mudando a Aberdeen, Escocia. Les podría mentir y decir que, igual ya me estoy acostumbrando a esto de mudarme, pero creo que uno jamás se acostumbra a este tipo de cambio. Starting over can be difficult, especially if you were able to forge friendships and close ties where you lived. Moving to France was hard, but it was these difficulties that made me grow up as a person. While I was there, I decided that even though I missed my family and friends very much, I was going to […]

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3 Maneras Para Ir a Vivir en Francia

3 Maneras Para Ir a Vivir en Francia

[ 3 Ways To Go Live In France ] ¿Quien dijo que los sueños eran imposibles? Si siempre has querido tener la experiencia de vivir en el extranjero, acá te muestro 3 maneras para ir a vivir en Francia. ¡Disfruta! Who said dreams were impossible? If you’ve always wanted to have the experience of living abroad, specially in France, here are 3 ways to do do so. Enjoy! 

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In Pau we also have CARNAVAL [En Pau también hay CARNAVAL]

Carnaval of Béarn in Pau France

On a cold winter night, after a long exile in the region of Aragón in Spain, Sent Pançard and his court decided to go back to France by crossing the Pyrénées. After getting past the barricade built by the bourgeois who were waiting for them at the doors of the city of Pau, the capital of the Béarn, they were able to enter the city. There, his Majesty was welcomed by the mayor, and the keys of the city were handed to him. Sent Pançard is a king who represents all the sinful qualities of humans, and he arrives to Pau to encourage the people to enjoy without measure the days leading up to Lent. The joyous town-people will participate in a party (La hèsta), where the King will lead a show of musicians and dancers.

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Studying French in France [Estudiando Francés en Francia]

Studying French in France

Over a year ago I decided to come to France to study French. In the past I had studied at a language institute in Paris, France Langue, which I recommend. However, if you’re serious about learning the language, in Paris you have way too many distractions (the good kind of course), and since there are people from all over the world, you might end up speaking more English or your native language than French.

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Hiking La Rhune in the Pyrenees [ Montando La Rhune en los Pirineos]

Hiking La Rhune in the Pyrenees

One of my favorite pastimes and that of many people in the Southeast region of France is hiking in the mountains. A couple of weeks ago, we decided to hike La Rhune, a summit from which you can see the Atlantic Ocean and cities like: Saint Jean De Luz and Hendaye on the French side, and Hondarribia in the Spanish side.

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Recognize these words? [¿Reconoces estas palabras?]

Recognize these French words

When you start learning a new language, you learn so much more than just the language: you learn to put things in context, and you might even end up finding a deeper meaning to words in your native language or other languages you speak. This happened to me when I moved to France. All of a sudden I was hearing words that had always been familiar, but I had no knowledge of their origins or different meanings. Since Spanish is my native language, I immediately began to make the word connections and since both languages have latin roots, made my learning went a lot smoother. I also realized that many French words were used in English as well. About 29% of English derives from the French language but most words have evolved through spelling and phonetics. However, there are still words out there that are purely French, but their meaning or context might have changed. Let’s take a look at some!

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Welcome 2017 [Bienvenido 2017]

Welcome 2017

We say goodbye to 2016 and hello to 2017, an opportunity to smile and live life to the max. 2016 was full of changes, learning, adventures, new friendships, and weddings… lots of weddings (I’m going through that age). I was fortunate to receive 2016 next to the Duque family, my parents, sister, and boyfriend in Medellin. Something that with time seems to be harder since we live in different places and the pace of our lives are different. It was a welcome where my heart was truly full.

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